September 16, 2008

Those last five pounds....

I see you. You don't think I can see you, but I can. You small, square sandwich quarter sitting on a spiderman plate, filled with peanut butter and fluffy goodness. But I will not eat you. I will not. Today is not the day.

Because if I do, then I'll just take 2 bites of your twin next to you, just as I'm bringing the plate to the counter. And because I have to clear off the rest of the kid table, I'll finish your little pretzel friends in the snack bowl... there's only 3 or 4 of them. And then the last graham cracker left by the two year-old diner now playing that flute oh-so-loudly and persistently in the living room.

And then, because I haven't had my lunch yet, I will eat a salad.

And since I already blew the day with the craziness of somebody else's peanut butter and fluff, I might as well have just a small cup of M&Ms. Maybe two.

And then I will already start thinking that I will do better tomorrow. Forget it, I'll just have the ice cream for dessert after dinner tonight like everybody else and THEN I'll start fresh tomorrow.

Nope, no fluffernutter for me, thank you. I have more willpower than that.

And I was doing so well up until lunch....


Jennie C. said...

Mmmmm - I think I need some PB right now!

Anonymous said...

it's tough to be strong willed - good luck. you can do anything

Suburban Correspondent said...

I swear, half the calories I ingest are from when I clean up after a meal.